Thank you for your support!

Our club members receive emails from all over the world with the words of support. Some of them can be found below. We really appreciate this as united we stand, divided we fall!
"Hello dear friends,
I know you can no longer operate on air and that you will be suffering hardship at the present time under the current very unfortunate circumstances. As President of CWops I want to take the opportunity to say that I and no doubt other members are thinking of you and pray you and your families are safe.
I miss hearing your calls on the air and hope it will not be long before I can once again exchange CWops membership numbers over the air.
Please take care..!
"Hi, Alex.
We certainly send hope that any and all friends and family are surviving the unimaginable chaos in Ukraine. Kind 73,
Janet Margelli | KL7MF Manager, Ham Radio Outlet"
"Hello OM Waddy, UX2HB.
Hope you are Safe. Praying for your safety. Stay safe.
Take Care!
73 de Sandeep VU2MUE
New Delhi, India"
"Hey Alex, UX2LX, we hope you’re fine during these crazy and sad times. A quick update from us: ... many of our viewers and listeners are reaching out Ukranian community (also local shops) to support. We have about 500 young people and families hosted in our region at the moment and more are coming. I hope you’re safe, back soon All the best, Daniele Tigli, Chief Editor, Radio Studio Delta"
"Hello my friend Alex, UX2LX.
Over the last few years I have had the pleasure of speaking with you on the air, and I have enjoyed our QSOs.
I am so sorry to hear about the current trouble in your country and the distress that this has caused to both you, your families, and fellow Ukrainians.
I would like to tell you that, in common with all the other European countries, the people of Britain are supporting you and your country. We hope that the Russian invaders are soon driven from Ukraine and that your country can return to peace again.
With all of my very best wishes
73 Rod G0ERS"
"Dear Wadim,
Me and my wife just thought about you and yours.
We are following what is happening in Ukraine with great concern.
We are with you and yours in this dificult times.
We know what freedom means as we were in a similar situation in the past.
If you need any support or help please let me know, I can try.
I am sure god is with you and justice always wins over aggression and terror!!!
I wish it could happen asap. And it will!
Take care of yourself and yours!
"Hi Waddy,
only now i'm back home,how are you
and your family? Hope this infamous war
will be over soon. I'm with you !!!
God bless you and family.
"Dear Waddy,
I'm very thankful for your message.
We follow the news here all the days ... very scared but with deepest for Ukraine and all the people who are fighting there for their country, for freedom.
You are all heroes ! May God watch over each single one of you.
In my little city everywhere Ukrainian flags are flying - like all over Germany.
Vadim, my dear friend - you know, I am praying for you, your loved ones and for Ukraine.
My thoughts are with you, always.
Stay safe, stay safe and God be with you.
Slava Ukraini !!
BIG hugs and mountains of strength to you !
With love, Frauke"
"Hi, can I get news of the situation in your city? what help can I give from Italy?
Massimo, IZ2LSL"
Stay safe, my friend.
May God bless.
